Sanat Naft FC 01/06/2024 Tractor Sazi
Dragan Skocic was on Thursday named coach of Iran's national team, filling the role left vacant by the departure of Marc Wilmots, the federation announced....
Pro League 26. Round 06/05/2024 H Mes Rafsanjan 1:0 (1:0)
Pro League 27. Round 11/05/2024 A Aluminium Arak 1:1 (1:0)
Pro League 28. Round 24/05/2024 H Shams Azar FC 2:2 (1:2)
Pro League 29. Round 28/05/2024 A FC Zob Ahan 1:2 (1:1)
Pro League 30. Round 01/06/2024 H Tractor Sazi 0:3 (0:1)
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