Opponents from Australia M. W D L goals
Record against Clarence United 12 7 3 2 35:13
Record against Clarence Zebras 14 11 1 2 49:21
Record against Devonport City FC 36 8 3 25 47:108
Record against Glenorchy Knights 26 11 1 14 57:66
Record against Hobart Zebras 21 5 3 13 33:58
Record against Launceston City FC 35 18 5 12 68:50
Record against Launceston United 6 6 0 0 35:6
Record against Northern Rangers 18 5 4 9 25:47
Record against Olympia FC Warriors 29 8 4 17 46:87
Record against Riverside Olympic 17 12 3 2 60:25
Record against South Hobart FC 35 2 6 27 41:126

For games that were decided on penalties the score after 120 minutes will be included in the ranking